Reduce Waste: How To Implement An Effective Waste Stream Management System

When it comes to owning a business, one of the most important steps you can take is to implement an effective waste stream management system. Without that, your business isn't as environmentally-friendly as it should be. It's also not as budget-friendly as it needs to be. You see, the more waste you send through to local landfills, the more harm is done to the environment. Plus, excess waste takes a big chunk out of your operating budget. That's where waste stream management comes into the picture. An effective waste stream management system helps reduce waste. Not sure how to implement an effective waste stream management system for your business? Here are four steps that will help you to implement a waste stream management system for your place of business. 

Know How Much Waste is Generated

When it comes to managing your waste, the first thing you need to do is understand how much waste you're actually generating. If you haven't been monitoring operations, you might be surprised by the amount of waste your business is generating. The best way to identify the amount of waste your business is generating is to conduct a detailed audit. This should include an audit of both recyclable and non-recyclable waste that passes through your business. An audit will give you a clearer picture of how much waste is being generated. 

Identify Ways to Reduce Waste

Once you know how much waste is being generated, you'll need to identify ways to reduce those numbers. One easy way to reduce waste is to implement onsite recycling programs. But, for recycling programs to be effective, they need to be easy to use. The best way to ensure employee participation is to add the appropriate bins throughout the work area. Adding easily accessible recycling bins can dramatically reduce the amount of waste that's generated. That's because employees don't need to leave their work areas to discard recyclable materials. 

Provide Waste-Specific Training

If you're going to implement a new waste stream management system at your place of business, you need to provide the right training. Waste-specific training can help to reduce mistakes, especially during the early stages of your new system. Part of your training should include waste identification practices. This will ensure that your employees know which items are recyclable, and which ones should go through as waste. 

Ensure Ongoing Evaluation

Finally, now that you're adopting a waste stream management system, there's still work that will need to be done. An effective waste stream management system grows and evolves with the changing work environment. To stay on top of the waste, provide for ongoing evaluation of your waste stream management system. That way, you can make changes, as needed. Reach out to a waste stream management company such as H & H Metals Co for more information and if you have any questions.
